Your Library Ltd

Connect to Library Wi-Fi

Please enter your library member number
Please provide your password

Use of this service is subject to the Technology Resources Terms & Conditions of Use Policy.

Those details didn't match our records. Please try again or speak to a library team member.

Library membership is free and open to all Victorian residents. Join now for instant access to Library Wi-Fi and a huge range of digital content.

Please enter your fist name
Please enter your last name
Please enter your date of birth
Please provide the name of your parent or guardian
Please provide a valid phone number so we may contact your parent or guardian. Ensure it includes the area code.
Please provide a valid email address so we may contact your parent or guardian
Please search for your address
Please provide your street address
Please provide your suburb
Please provide your postcode
Please select your council area
Please select your primary library
Please provide your phone number
Please provide your email address
Please ensure a password of between six and 50 characters has been provided. It must include at least one uppercase character, at least one lowercase character and at least one number.
Please ensure you have provided a matching password
You must agree to the terms to use this service.
Something went wrong and the membership was unable to be created. You're being connected to the internet regardless! One moment...
